How Serious Personal Injuries Caused by Dog Attacks Are and How Attorneys Can Handle Them


Do you have a dog? They can be the sweetest creatures that follow you everywhere you go and are your perfect companions. But what happens when they aren’t?

Maybe not pets as much as wilder stray dogs are responsible for numerous attacks on people passing by. These dog attacks can be a frightful experience for the victim that may result in serious physical and mental injuries. Not to mention that the costs for medical checks, medicines, lost wages, and in many cases, psychotherapy can be extremely high.

Because of this, you need Chicago personal injury lawyers on your side. You may not believe it but they have a demanding task when it comes to proving how the accident came to be, especially since the dog can’t tell the whole story. Are you interested to learn more about this topic? Here we go!

Physical and Mental Consequences

Let’s start with the obvious details. Dogs are known to have big and sharp teeth and strong jaws. With them, they can bite through the human’s flesh and leave terrible marks. These may require immediate medical assistance, which can lead to stitches and severe pain.

What’s more, these creatures carry bacteria inside of them, which they transfer to the person they bite. In case they haven’t had a vaccine against it, the implications on their health can turn out to be way serious than they anticipated. Connected to this, they may be unable to return to work for a while or do much about their state.

Unfortunately, this isn’t all. There are mental implications to consider, as well. After the dog attack, it’s normal to feel scared and anxious like someone is going after you all the time. The stress may develop into PTSD and this is why it’s advisable to get professional help and go to psychotherapy sessions. These professionals will help you leave the trauma behind and move on with your life.

Help from a Personal Injury Attorney

The key thing here is not to wait. After you have received proper medical attention and treatment, think about hiring a dog bites lawyer at once.

Unless they are stray dogs, the owners of the dogs are responsible for paying the compensation you deserve. Yet, often they refuse and you end up with empty hands. However, when your attorney takes the case in the courtroom, the situation can quickly change in your favor.

That’s why come prepared for the free consultation with relevant medical records, photos, witness statements, and other things you think will be useful to the lawyer. All of those will later be utilized to convince the judge of the owner’s blame and get the most financial gain for you out of the accident.

What Do You Have in Mind?

What do you think about this topic? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? If you answered yes, talk to us here in the comments and exchange experiences with other victims.

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