Should You Hire A Custom Web Development Partner Or Leverage A WordPress Theme?

hire-web-developer-vs-wordpress-themesFor every entrepreneur nowadays it has become even more important to develop and maintain a robust online presence. A well-crafted web portal helps a business in expanding its global reach and build brand awareness.

In order to build a responsive website, there are two alternatives readily available. The first one allows you to hire a custom web development partner like Arkenea and create a tailored digital platform in accordance with your specific business requirements.

In case you decide to go with the second option online tools and platforms will be your true companion in building and customizing your web presence. WordPress being the most popular alternative for creating and maintaining impressive websites it’s best if you leverage WP themes to power your business online presence.

But the process of choosing one of these two approaches is a bit daunting for entrepreneurs. Also, the choice depends upon different factors such as the size of the business, needs, budget, specific functionality required in the upcoming web portal, the time span in which the site development should be completed, etc.

The process might seem complex but it can be simplified by evaluating both of these alternatives and settling on the best one. Let’s have a look at the major pros and cons which can help you in determining how to process with your web development project.

What Can Be The Benefits Of Hiring A Custom Web Development Agency To Build A Tailored Online Presence? Also, are there any drawbacks of choosing this approach?

Well, experienced web programmers can be the best asset for developing a tailored website reflecting the essence of your business. Professional designers with a solid resume can build a web portal from scratch and customize it in accordance with your specific business needs.

These developers have a wealth of experience in road mapping which helps them to come up with sample web pages in order to let you spot what’s working for your business. Uniqueness is the biggest strength of custom-built web portals as there will be no other website on the internet which would resemble yours.

Moreover, tailored sites are extremely flexible and scalable so that you can add required functionality in the future easily to cope up with the growing needs of your digital brand. Also, the design is highly intuitive which is usually accompanied by an interactive interface to provide users with an amazing browsing experience.

You can optimize your custom web portal for better SEO and integrate features such as visually appealing landing page, maximum loading speed, seamless navigation structure, enhanced readability, high-end images, informational videos, etc.

Custom sites are blessed with a distraction-free layout and create a sense of urgency among visitors which makes them take the desired action immediately and lead them towards the conversion path. Such an expressive design with a human touch make site visitors feel connected with your brand and open the door for maximizing website conversions.

In addition, such web portals can be easily upgraded and integrated with the latest industry design and functionality trends to keep them relevant and fresh forever. But custom-fit websites usually take a bit longer to develop. Also, investing in building such sites can be a bit expensive.

It’s advisable to go for custom web development when you have enough money to hire an experienced designer. Also, choose this option when you want to build a sophisticated web portal by integrating different features and advanced functionality.

Or, you have some extremely specific business objectives which you want to reflect with the help of your digital presence. Custom development is the best alternative for building complex web portals and impressive websites integrated with advanced features such as AI-driven chatbots to enhance customer service.

What Are The Key Advantages Of Leveraging Exclusive WordPress Themes For Building Your Web Presence? Are these themes the best tools to build your business website?

WordPress is the most popular platform for developing and maintaining influential web portals. Also, it’s a well-known Content Management Solution (CMS) for website owners as well as programmers.

This platform offers multiple themes which can be used to create well-designed websites. Some of these themes are free while the others are premium where you need to purchase a particular theme.

WordPress themes provide users with pre-built components as well as frameworks where it’s easier to add content and create a functional web portal. Moreover, with the help of available plug-ins from which you can pick the best one to work with your selected theme.

Both free as well as paid WP themes are good for getting started with the web development quickly in order to create personal blogs, simple web portals, portfolios, family business websites, etc. Leveraging these themes you can craft a website on your own as the components can be easily tailored without any professional help or excessive coding experience.

Be careful before choosing free or paid themes as these themes can’t be used randomly for any web development project. A free should be picked when you want to build a simple web portal within a limited budget. But these themes won’t provide you with enough flexibility and you can’t customize your website in accordance with your specific needs.

On the other hand, premium WP themes allow you to tailor your digital portal as they are blessed with multiple features and customization options. Also, these themes come with regular support and updates.

You can build a unique website with a premium WP theme but buying such a theme might burn a hole in your pocket. Moreover, there is a risk that the premium theme has many unnecessary features which can slow down your website page loading speed.

Clearly, both of these platforms are useful in their own ways. But you should analyze your requirements and resources carefully before choosing one of them. Picking one blindly can spoil your online presence and you might lose thousands of your customers.

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